Another top favorite food of choice, which is on the BAN list-- BREAD! Seriously, I thought, do these people not know scripture? I know man cannot live on bread alone, but Jesus is the bread of life, communion, manna in the OT, I thought-- they don't get it! Eating bread is SCRIPTURAL! Okay, Okay, so there is also a lot of the NT also warns against the yeast of the pharisees etc, and the whole practice of the Passover in the OT involved eating unleavened bread... so I guess I can't scripturalize my diet ban away.
Again, as you might imagine, it's a tough one for me. I was made fun of by my best friend for sometimes snacking on a hot dog bun. Strange, I know... but it was the only white bread my family kept in the house.
In these stipulations one major thing to avoid is YEAST- what seems to be infiltrating my body and kicking my digestive system in the face. So, I've come up with occasionally making whole wheat flat bread. Whole wheat they say is much better than white flour, because it's more complex and doesn't break down as quickly into sugar--- which is what the yeasties delight in.
I'm learning a lot about food in the process, and am just flabbergasted at all things which contain yeast & white flour. Bye bye pasta dishes, sayonara pastries, cereals, buns, and sigh.... cookies.
I really do love bread!! My first job was at a bakery. Good thing I don't have that job any more, those broken cookies and the smell of fresh baked bread would send me into a temptation of a carb eating frenzy.
Do I do this perfectly? Man, sometimes I try really hard, but in a season of hot dogs & burgers eating the meat plain it sure has been hard to say no to those buns. I try to give in only on occasion and feel much less guilty when I can have a whole wheat bun. Whole wheat pasta is available at stores, but the guilty pleasure of spirals of fury our version of Mac&Cheese hasn't been kicked to the curb quite yet.
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