My mom grew up on a dairy farm and my father was also raised on a quaint little farm in central IL. This means I have milk in my bones. Wait, I have calcium in my bones, but I think its entirely from all the milk I drank.
And I drank a lot of milk.
Breakfast. check
Lunch. check
Dinner. check
Late Night Snack (Ice cream!!) double check
My family didn't just 'pick up a gallon' at the store. We picked up 3 or 4. I have gotten my husband in the lovely habit of the need for milk as well. However, we graduated up a class from 2 % drinkers to WHOLE. It's so good you never want to go back.
However, dietary guidelines for my health concern suggest no dairy products. REALLY? no dairy? Between my normal breakfast cereal (also outlawed) with milk, chocolate mixed drinks, cottage cheese, yogurts, etc... this is going to be a hard one to kick. I don't mind Soy or Almond, but man, the stuff from the udder sure is better!
In fact, I don't think I'm giving this one up! I'll minimize my milk, and maybe go organic to get rid of lots of those pesky antibiotics, but NO MILK? Come on!
Poor thing! I've also been restricted (due to pregnancy) so I'm feeling it, too. Are these for-life restrictions or til things get under control, do you know?
ReplyDeleteThey say a lot of them can be brought into moderation (fruit, whole grains, etc.) But many are recommended to say no to forever, I think milk is one, just due to the antibiotics in them. Many suggest bringing things back slowly and seeing how your body reacts. I'm sorry your sans milk as well! I do tend to get a glass or two throughout the week, so I haven't gone through the real withdrawal. :) What do you do to supplement it? soy?